Company Car Tax – Micra Mania!

Regular readers will know my beloved Audi A5 is currently being repaired. Because Audi parts are as fragile and expensive as a faberge egg the insurance company are dragging their heels. In the meantime I have been supplied with a Nissan Micra which is erm different. Obviously I’m not expecting the A5 and the Micra … Continue reading

Taxation of Insurance Proceeds – Help Snow Tax Brakes!

Like most men I think  I could give Lewis Hamilton a run for his money in the driving stakes. So I would imagine that Lewis would also have crashed (sounds dramatic doesn’t it) in to a road sign if faced with the same bad weather conditions. Imagine the scene. An Arctic wind had blown a … Continue reading

Intangible Asset Regime – Bean Counters

My name is TTF and I am addicted to coffee. Not your namby pamby cappuccino, I am addicted to the hard stuff.  Black, no sugar straight from the bean.  Some people in the office have suggested that I give coffee up as a new years resolution. I just treat this statement with the contempt it deserves. They may … Continue reading

Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme (EMI) – Who says the taxman gives Employees sweet FA?

There are certain events in your life which change things forever. Moving house, buying your first car and getting married are all great examples. But they all pale into insignificance compared to selecting which football team to support. If you look at it objectively a football team can mould your life. Select a team who is … Continue reading